Just a few weeks after planting and it’s all growing well!
Once this border had been cleared, my client had the fence replaced, the telegraph pole cut down and a huge amount of ivy removed. Fabulous fence, gentle woodland planting and a lovely early evening light make a beautiful border.
My client wanted quite loose and informal planting. There were three distinct areas to the garden and a considerable amount of bamboo screening, which made for some great plant combinations! My client couldn’t remember the Prunus Lusitanica (the tree on the left) flowering before, but once it had room to breathe and a good mulch of compost, it rewarded him with these fabulous flowers!
The old kitchen garden wasn’t really working as well as it could.
The shrubs and ivy were taking over and hiding the beautiful old stone walls.
Geranium pyrenaicum ‘Bill Wallis’. Such a gorgeous colour! A tiny flower but that colour certainly makes up for it. It will grow pretty much anywhere, though it’s best in full sun to partial shade. One of my favourite geraniums - it self seeds happily in my own garden!
Planting finished in the evening sunshine.